Thursday, March 31, 2016

Awesome Crazy Week

Hello. This week was awesome and crazy. 

Tuesday we dropped off Elder Brogan to go to Uganda for MLC, so Elder Mumba was with me and Elder Koopmans, but today he got a member to go with him for the day and we went to our area. It also rained some today which was nice. We had a solid day and made some sick raps about missionary work. haha. On Wednesday we had a great DDM, but got bounced like a basketball in the afternoon. We also went with Elder Mumba to his area for most of the day, but came back in the evening for an appointment. So a lot of going back and forth from areas and trying to balance schedules. We also had a soda party that night. Probably my last one for awhile. I am sick and tired of soda. haha.

Fanta fun......sounds like he is sick of soda

Elders Mumba, Koopmans, Beck

On Thursday we had a great day. We had a couple appointments in the morning were late to pick up Elder Brogan from the airport, but he was chill with it.  Then we met a new family. Great family, but doesn't speak much english. We also found this guy that was wearing a Boston Red Sox jersey and I started talking to him. Turns out he has been to Boston a few times and he speaks really good english. He was a sweet guy. Hopefully that he turns out so I can talk about some baseball with him. Hahaha. No body here knows about baseball....... 

On Friday we had a good day. We met with a new investigator and his entire family and part of his church choir were there. They were really nice, but they started teaching us about the gospel, but the one son that isn't so deep into the ADEPR church was very interested. 
  • ADEPR  (Association des Eglises de Pentecote au Rwanda)

The ADEPR  church is huge here.... pentecostal church.  Everyone seems like they are a part of it. They also fed us which was nice. ha. Then we had a baptism interview for Adrienne to finish the night and she was ready for her baptism.

Adrienne's baptism with Elders Beck and Koopmans

On Saturday it was Umaganda day.  NOTE: Umaganda Day is the last Saturday of the month Rwanda where from 8-12 am citizens met in their local neighborhoods/sectors to do their civic duty in order to keep Rwanda clean!  Jobs on these days vary from picking up trash, trimming hedges, cutting grass, to filling in huge water filled pot holes on the roads. Anything that the local leader deems important to do….is what gets done.  We also had a solid day in the afternoon and the evening. We met with Fistus. He reads the Book of Mormon like crazy. Betty and Johnson. They are excited for the gospel and accepted a baptism date and even gave us another family to teach. Awesome missionaries. Then we visited Emmey and Eunice an awesome family. So we taught a lot of families today. Which is awesome to see. THIS GOSPEL IS MADE FOR AND TO BLESS FAMILIES.

 On Sunday. It was great. It was Easter. We had some awesome talks in Sacrament. We had a lot of people show up to church. We had a confirmation of Aarron in sacrament meeting and also a baptism of Adrienne after church. The spirit was really strong at the baptism. More than usual. It was a great day for her. 

Baptism of Adrienne

We even went to Gasanze after everything. It is kinda far away, but we met this super awesome guy. He has a car and a nice house. He does a radio show and where he lives is awesome. Beautiful. Then we got a nice dinner by a family in the Branch. great Family. Powerful family. The food was good and they even gave us a referal. 

Gasanze fields


Today we went to Akagara again. It was awesome and fun, but I still enjoyed the first time more. We went with Juan this time. It was fun. Saw a ton of animals again. We also had transfer news. I am going to leave Rwanda and go to Uganda up north to Gulu. I will be with my MTC companion Elder Grant. I am sad to leave Rwanda and the people here, but also excited and scared to go to Uganda. It should be fun. Crazy and awesome week.

Elder Beck and Grant in MTC, get reunion in Gulu this week! woot!

This week I have been thinking a lot about Jesus Christ and not even intentionally. Things just came to me during the day and also during study. It was the spirit helping me remember Jesus Christ this week. I have just come to realize that Jesus Christ is the center of God's plan, he is the rock, he is the light, etc. There are so many ways to describe Jesus Christ and show how he is important. It made me realize again how Jesus Christ should be the center of our lives. HE IS WHAT MAKES EVERYTHING POSSIBLE.... I mean everything. I can't explain exactly what I was thinking, but I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the World. He is our example and as we follow him and his example, We will be able to live with our families forever. His atonement is real and can strengthen anyone in any situation. I know it to be true. Have a great week. Love you. 

Love Elder Beck

Mom and other Questions:
1. I asked him about about bugs, his happiness level, member missionaries (he did mention the couple that gave referral) but I think he ran out of time and I slightly overwhelmed him with a bazillion pictures from home this week. So, Stay tuned for next week

2. The family says hi from the Easter party.  Do you have any inspiring thoughts about Easter and Jesus Christ for us?  I think he pretty much summed up his thoughts about Christ in his last paragraph.  He is really gaining a sure knowledge of the what Christ has done for each of us and it is reassuring that he is developing a strong relationship with Christ.  Could a mother ask for anything better?  I think not.

Elder Becks Journey via map.....
1. Idaho to Atlanta to Johanesburg South Africa Missionary Training Center (MTC) ....2 day travel, 10 days in MTC?

2.  MTC to mission home in Kampala, Uganda  (2 days and left one suitcase at the mission home)

3. Kigali, Rwanda.... 6 months.... He loved it here and he loved the people! Amazing!

4.  P-day Safari to Akagara...... see it in green next to Tanzania.... except they spelled it with an "o" on this map

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Transfers this Wednesday to Gulu, Uganda....I'm assuming he flies to the mission home from Kigali, Rwanda to Kampala, Uganda and then they drive north up to Gulu,Uganda.  He is nervous but excited!

did you realize that Rwanda is below the equator and Uganda is mostly at the equator or Elder Beck will be traveling from below to above the equator.....interesting.

(Akagara safari)

Elder Beck and Koopmans with their African scarves!!

Akagara bird

Giraffes are my friends

Hippo sighting....did you know that hippos are in the top 10 most dangerous animals in the world?

Stretching out for hippo wrestling?
Not sure what he is pointing to.... a hippo... I think that might

Just me and my shadow

This picture makes me want to sing something from the Lion King

Random long horned cows stuffed into a truck.....look at those horns!

Ankole-Watusis cattle for all you cattle ranchers

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