Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tri- Branch Conference.....super ....powerful

Elder Mumba, Elder Beck (Elder brogan photo bomber)

Hello! It has been a great week for me. Actually an awesome week. This is what happened.
Monday night we got a call from this guy saying he wanted to meet with us, so we meet him. Turns out he was drunk and wanted to see God before we left. Kinda creepy, but hey we planted the seed and he actually came to the conference this Sunday. Powerful! On Tuesday, we had a solid day. We met with stubborn people, but we bore testimony of the truthfulness of what we share and did our part. We also met with a powerful investigator. She came to church the past Sunday and said she was going to come to this church from now on and wants to learn more. Love it when the Lord brings people are way.
On Wednesday, we had some awesome lunch at a place called Chicken Tonight. Super nice food. We visited a family that we just met and found out they were not legally married. Too bad, but we can get them married because with the Lord anything is possible. Then we met with this man named Hubert. He loves Americans. He can't stop laughing when we are with him. hahaha. He is also into the humanitarian aid for people so that is what interested him in the church is the humanitarian aspect. Now we just have to teach him the restored gospel and he will fall in love with that as well. Boom. Then we visited the Relief Society President. She lives super far into the valley, but it was a fun time trying to find her home. Then when we were walking along a road at night my left foot slipped and I slide into the ditch. I was a little mad, but hey it could be worse. ha.

Elder Beck, Jordan, Elder Koopsman

On Thursday we got bounced a ton, but still had a great day. During lunch it just started storming like crazy. Windy and Rainy, but right when lunch ended it got nice again. We taught Ines in the evening. She is a single mother with two children she is doing really well and I am hoping she will start coming to church soon.
On Friday we had an awesome day. We taught some lessons. I showed Africans that I can type on the computer super fast without even looking at the keyboard. They think it is amazing. I think it is funny. ha. Then we visited Mama Odette. She is the first convert in Rwanda. She is old and has cancer, but she is still super powerful and even came to the conference on Sunday. Also President and Sister Chatfield and the AP's came down in the evening. It was good to see Elder Wilson again and to meet Elder Ruell. On Saturday it was Umuganda day (community service day) in the morning. After Umuganda day we went out and taught an RC family about Family History work and the Temple. It was an awesome lesson and I want to get into Family History work and taking names to the temple more when I get home. It is an awesome work that we are able to do. Elder Wilson (AP and former companion) came with us today, which was added pressure, but it was good to have him. A cool experience was in a lesson an investigator asked a question and I had no idea how to answer it, but as I started to open my mouth a scripture popped into my head and it was perfect to answer her question. I know the Holy Ghost is real and that he does help us in our lives. Always seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost.
On Sunday we had the Tri-branch conference at Lemigo Hotel. It was super nice. We had 221 people show up and we had a ton of investigators at the conference which was super powerful. It was great to see everyone from K2 as well. It was just a great Sunday meeting. A quote from one of the talks that I liked was this "Our happiness increases when we help others find their happiness." - Lorenzo Snow. That is so true, so go help others find happiness if you are not happy or even if you are happy. Then we taught a few lessons and then we had the relief society President from K2 feed all the missionaries. Super Nice.

getting ready for the tri branch conference at Lemigo hotel

It was an awesome week. I learned so much and the work is going so well. I also got the package from Mom/dad (sent 1st wk of January) and letters as well. Thanks for the package and the letters. I also have been reading through the Book Of Mormon super fast. I have been reading in Alma about the Sons of Mosiah and also Ammon. They are a great example of being patient through trials and when we do that God blesses us. Also a great scripture is Helaman 3:35. Go read it. Love you. Have a great Week.
Love Elder Beck

harvesting avocados

1. Are you writing anyone or hearing from other missionary friends?

I am writing my friends on mission and a couple that are still home. staying in touch with a few of them still.

2.  Does sister Leibel go by a different last name?

Sister Leibel goes by Sister Toro. I think because of her Doctor name or something like that. (they are from Blackfoot)

3.  What do the American couple do in rwanda? (The ones that feed you)

The guy is here for agriculture stuff. To keep the Agriculture business and system improving and more efficient or something. He went to Texas A&M. They are cool. 

Beautiful picture of the Rwanda valley

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