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ELDER BECK (recalling his foot chase after the shoe thief) will now team up with |
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ELDER ANDERSON in Entebbe, Uganda |
Hello. So today we had transfer news. I am finally leaving Lugazi and I will be headed to Entebbe to be with Elder Andersen. I was in the same district as him in my first transfer in my mission. Should be good. Excited, but sad at the same time. I am going to miss a lot of awesome people here.
This week was a great week. We found a ton of new people and also taught a ton of awesome people and even had a couple of baptisms. The week started off though with me in Mukono with Elder Foster and Elder Haines. WE all came on mission at the same time, so it was an awesome exchange. (cue the music...reunited cuz it feels so good! la la la) Also met a member that reads all the standards works every year except for either the new testament or the old testament. That is awesome. The scriptures are true and they help us so much. ON wednesday I was back in Lugazi. We had a nice day.
Thursday we made sure our candidates were ready for baptism interviews. They both are awesome. On Friday we had a nice day, but also got a good dinner appointment because some of us were probably leaving. Gotta love those appointments. (I'm going to get him a shirt that says...FEED ME!!) Saturday we had the interviews they all went well. Except one guy on their side said he wasn't ready for baptism yet..... Too bad. Also I drank root beer A&W! It had been a long time. That can was too small though. Straight from America though..... (excellent!!)
Then Sunday we had an awesome day. We had a good attendance with a lot of investigators on our side that came. Then we finished it off with some awesome baptisms. David ( the blind man) was very very happy. It has been two years since he started coming to church, Fred( a brother of a member) is a great guy, George ( someone that me and Elder Goodrich found) is very humble and really wants to follow Christ. They are great people and I was filled with joy when I saw their baptism and heard their testimonies. Also visited some people in the evening that I wanted to say goodbye to......
For P-day we stayed in Lugazi and watched some church movies. Chill day. Also packing for Transfers.
This week I have been in 2 Nephi. I really like chapter 4 when Nephi is telling us the feelings of his soul. Powerful words in that chapter. Also I like the words of Isaiah from Jacob. He talks a lot about Godly fear and Manly fear. WE need not fear man. God is the creator of all. Fear is the opposite of Faith and we have no need to fear. God is always there. WE know the truth. WE have his power and authority! Look unto Christ in every thought, Doubt not, Fear not! D&C 6:36. If we are ever worried or fearing or unsure. Put your trust in Christ and those will be swept away from us! Have a great week. Love you.
Love Elder Beck
MOM questions....
1. did you think you know who stole your shoes? Do you lock your door to your apartment?
I saw him, but I can't really recognize africans as well unless I really get to know them. Yes we locked our door. My shoes were outside the door because the house is inside a big fenced compound.
2. How are you feeling about transfers? Ready for a change?
Transfers.... I am leaving beloved Lugazi. I will be going to Entebee to be with Elder Andersen who was in the same apartment with me my first transfer in Rwanda. Should be good. I am excited, but I will miss these people here.
3. I found this yesterday from a talk in oct conference 2016 by Pres monson. "Essential to the plan is our Savior, Jesus Christ. without his atoning sacrifice, all would be lost. It is not enough, however, merely to believe in HIm and His mission. WE need to work and learn, search and pray, repent and improve. We need to know God's laws and live them.We need to receive His saving ordinances. ONLY BY SO DOING WILL WE OTAIN TRUE, ETERNAL HAPPINESS
I guess what this reminded me is that we need to LIVE the truth that we are given to be happy. That we need to act. So, how are you doing with working, learning, searching, praying, repenting and improving? I'm trying but I have a lot to do.
I am doing pretty good, but i can always improve a lot! We can all ask Heavenly Father in Prayer what is something that i can change or improve on in my life and he will show and whisper to us what we should do in our lives and we can always do that.
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