hello everyone . this week was very nice.
Tuesday was a great day. We set a baptism date with a long time investigator. the one that is blind. His name is Bro David and he was excited!! Even this Sunday he made sure he was there and looking smart. Also I was sitting there and I realized that I see many animals do really weird and funny things here in Uganda that I wouldn't normally see. (small tender mercy there to observe nature).
Wednesday we had ZDM. Really nice. Then we came back and had some good lessons. We even taught a lesson about Temples and Families to a family that is progressing and the spirit was very strong. I love the temple and families!
Wednesday we had ZDM. Really nice. Then we came back and had some good lessons. We even taught a lesson about Temples and Families to a family that is progressing and the spirit was very strong. I love the temple and families!
On Thursday we had a nice day. I was feeling that I wasn't excited about missionary work earlier in the week, but I decided I wanted to be excited about it and I went out and taught with the spirit and opened my mouth and we had a really awesome day even though it was scorching hot. Attitude means everything. We met a RC and now his brother is staying there with him, so we started teaching him as well. Tender Mercy.....
On Friday we set another baptism date with an investigator who is a referral from another investigator and he is really powerful, but we just have to get him to come to church consistently.
On Friday we set another baptism date with an investigator who is a referral from another investigator and he is really powerful, but we just have to get him to come to church consistently.
On Saturday I went on exchanges with my former companion Elder Goodrich. It was a fun day and we saw some great blessings. Also got to see some people I was teaching before. an investigator that me and Elder Goodrich were teaching and found is getting ready for baptism this Sunday.
On Sunday we had a crazy day. So it started off normal, but as we left to go to church my companion said he forgot something so we went back to the apartment and he went inside to get it and I went around back to go to the bathroom. I saw a guy that was jumping over the wall of our compound and he was wearing my nike shoes...... So after some chasing and other stuff..... We locked up the place and headed to church and sent the guard to go to the house and guard the place. Then we had some other things with some potential suspects that is hard to explain in an email. But in other words my shoes got stolen, but luckily the lord loves us and in his plan we went back and probably stopped him from entering the house and stealing more important things. It kind of reminded me of the incident in San Diego 2015 (now there's a crazy story that happened a week before he left for Africa.) Things are good. We are safe and the Lord is blessing us. We also had a good Sunday and got fed and stuff and taught some good lessons.
Today we played basketball in Kampala, but because my shoes got stolen I was playing in my proselyting shoes. hahaha Still fun though. It was an awesome week and we are preparing for 2 baptisms this week and 3 for the other guys this week.
On Sunday we had a crazy day. So it started off normal, but as we left to go to church my companion said he forgot something so we went back to the apartment and he went inside to get it and I went around back to go to the bathroom. I saw a guy that was jumping over the wall of our compound and he was wearing my nike shoes...... So after some chasing and other stuff..... We locked up the place and headed to church and sent the guard to go to the house and guard the place. Then we had some other things with some potential suspects that is hard to explain in an email. But in other words my shoes got stolen, but luckily the lord loves us and in his plan we went back and probably stopped him from entering the house and stealing more important things. It kind of reminded me of the incident in San Diego 2015 (now there's a crazy story that happened a week before he left for Africa.) Things are good. We are safe and the Lord is blessing us. We also had a good Sunday and got fed and stuff and taught some good lessons.
Today we played basketball in Kampala, but because my shoes got stolen I was playing in my proselyting shoes. hahaha Still fun though. It was an awesome week and we are preparing for 2 baptisms this week and 3 for the other guys this week.
This week I have been going through 1 Nephi. It is awesome as usual, but I really like some of the teachings of Nephi in chapter 19 verses 7-9. He talks about how some people set things at naught when others esteem it to be of great worth and that is how it is with Christ. Nephi taught us that we are trampling Christ under our feet when we don't hearken to his teachings and put other things ahead of Him. Wow! But I like in verse 9 that talks about Christ suffering all things because he loves us. Even if we are not righteous he is patiently waiting for us to change and to remember him and his gospel. So let us repent and have faith in Christ and not trample Him under our feet, but put Him first in our lives and I know we will find joy and happiness and peace and Love. Have a great week. Love you.
Love Elder Beck
Mom questions....?
1. When you are having a hard day what scripture helps you or boosts your spirit
don't know, but usually I just read a random part of the scriptures, but I really focus and think about the situation and it always brings the spirit and makes me want to go do good.
2. Where is your favorite spot in Lugazi?
My favorite spot in Lugazi is the outskirts where it is quite and you can think. Also a restaurant called Chilly Willy's. Nice food.....
3. If you could encourage us to be better at one thing, what would that be?
Remembering the Lord. Being Grateful for blessings and seeing them everyday in your lives. It will keep you on the strait and narrow. We sometimes forget the Lord in our everyday lives, but he is always there.
4. How do you say hello in the native language? goodbye? how are you? Where's the toilet?
Hello- Jambo (I could use a Jamba)
Goodbye- Not sure
Good night-Sula Balunge,
How are you- Oleote-ah
Where's the toilet- Long Drop Alewah. (this sounds like he made it up...ha ha!)
Not sure if I am saying those things right,but I tried. :)
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