Elder Dibatayi and Elder Beck
practicing their wake-boarding position?
working on a new approach technique?
I have no idea |
Hello, This week flew by and it was a great week.
It started off when we visited a family that we were teaching. Me and Elder Dibatayi ......and I was set on setting a baptism date with them before I left. They had been hesitant to do that. So we got there and shared a thought and I committed them and they felt like that is what they were suppose to do! It is awesome! The Lord is softening hearts and changing people everyday! ON Tuesday we visited a lot of people and said goodbye. It wasn't easy and then i got a call I was getting picked up in the evening instead of on Wednesday. SO I had to leave early and got picked up and spent the night in Kampala.
Lugazi friends |
Lugazi family |
Favorite Lugazi eatery...chapate!! |
Favorite Lugazi latrine??
(I have no clue, he just send pictures...what do you think?) |
Cute family in Lugazi...goofing around with Elder Beck |
Farewell Lugazi!!
(the steps to his apartment? site of the stolen shoes?? who knows..ha ha)
Elder D? |
Lugazi...the road less traveled
Elder Beck and young friends |
Serious missionary business....word! |
On Wednesday, morning I got up early and the AP's dropped me off in Kajansi (which is in my zone) and I was with the elders for most of the day. Then in the evening Elder Andersen picked me up and we went to Entebbe. Entebbe is really nice. I am excited. Thursday we had a nice day. We even found a new family to teach that day. It was awesome and also set a baptism date with a new investigator and got fed by them. Yes!!!!
ON Friday we had MLC. It was a super nice meeting. The spirit was awesome and I know this is really the Lord's work. Saturday we came back to Entebbe and did a lot of planning and also got some good work in the area.
This week I have been studying the words of Nephi at the end of second Nephi. His words are really there to strengthen our faith in Christ. They are so simple yet so powerful. And lately I have been working on increasing my faith and testimony of Jesus CHrist. Jesus is the very Christ and he has paid for us and he is inviting everyone to partake of his goodness and salvation. 2 Nephi 25:26, 2 Nephi 26:33.
Love ,Elder Beck
Lugazi crew/roomies... |
almost all smiles :) :)
(Note: left over right and right over left) |
1.What is the craziest thing you have witnessed on your mission?
The craziest thing I have witnessed is when they circumcise someone from a certain tribe. they do it at the age of 18 and they go around town with drums and loud things with the kid in a loin cloth preparing for his circumcision. Crazy... (OUCH!!!)
2. How do you stay cool in Africa?
You stay in the shade. Sometimes I wear a hat. But now I have a truck with ac........... aaaaaahhh! :)
3. What is the weirdest odor that you've experienced on your mission?
At the sugar can factory in Lugazi. It produces a nasty smell, but I got used to it after a while, because I was there so long.
Never alone |
I am Elder Anderson’s mom and let me just say how excited he is to have Elder Beck as his companion. It is a dream come true for him. I know these two Elders will be a fantastic team. I bet they will be great friends after there missions.