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The Crew |
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The Crew unplugged |
Ok. Another week went by and here is what happened!
SO it started off with exchanges with E. Mufurati. He got to come to my area and it was awesome. We had a powerful day and I got to know E. Mufurati a lot better this week and he is a really powerful guy. He is going home with me in a couple of weeks, but he is determined to finish strong and serve the master even with some tough things happening back home! Also during the day we had some time to do finding in the evening and a member was like "Can I go with you?" So we were like ya and the finding turned into going and visiting his friends that he wanted us to teach! It was awesome! The best finding ever! Every door you go to lets you in! hahaha That was a tender mercy this week. The members name is William Deng! He is powerful! Then on Wednesday we had an awesome day. Especially because in the morning we called an investigator we had recently started teaching to set an appointment and he said he had good news for us! SO we got to the lesson and he proceeded to tell us of certain dreams he has been having for the past few years and how he prayed last night and he felt he received an answer and wanted to be baptized even as soon as this week! WOW! That was a dream come true! We were excited and Me and E. Khoriyo know that this guy named samuel is one of the elect! The lord does answer prayers!
Then on Thursday we had Zone conference, but the bad part was that E. Khoriyo was feeling pretty sick! SO we gave him a blessing and headed to Zone Conference! Zone Conference was amazing and full of the spirit! I am going to miss those things! Also when E. Khoriyo gave his training he was like he wasn't even sick! Then after Zone Conference he got really really weak........ SO the lord was able to strengthen him while he gave his training. ON friday we had to let E. Khoriyo rest in the morning and then in the afternoon we went out, but it was a bit of a slow day........
ON Saturday we had a great day. In the morning both me and E. Khoriyo both had a feeling that something was not right, so we prayed and the lord spoke peace to our hearts and we still are not sure why we were feeling that something was off, but everything seemed to work out well! Also had an awesome conversation with a Muslim about the Book of Mormon. It was probably one of my favorite conversations I have had with someone about the Book of Mormon, but for some reason I don't think they were Muslim......... ON Sunday we had an awesome day. Church was great and we had a ton of investigators at church and our RC. Brought here 3 referral friends. It was awesome. Such a blessing and I feel like it is not us but mostly the member and the Lord doing the work for us! The Lord is blessing us right now!
This week something that I noticed as I finish up the Book of Mormon is how Moroni when he was alone and going through a tough time in his life. After watching his people be destroyed, running from people that want to kill him. He was able to write some of the most powerful chapters in the Book of Mormon and add some great information to the scriptures! In a great trial he received some of the greatest inspiration and knowledge he probably ever had. It reminds me of Joseph Smith when he was in Liberty Jail and he received some great revelation from that about the Temple. So in our times of difficulty and trial is when we have the most to learn and even revelation to receive. SO trials are a good thing! Keep up the faith! Have a great week. Love you.
Love Elder Beck
Mom questions..
1. Favorite moment of the week for me is when I see your younger sisters loving and supporting each other. What was yours?
2. I did something I didn't think I could do this week. Any physical or spiritual feats that you have accomplished that you didn't think you could do on your mission?
3. I'm sure you have mixed emotions about completing your mission, what is helping you to keep working hard but also looking for to the next adventure/phase of your life?
4. We now have two ukuleles at home...... the girls are getting pretty good on them. Are you up to the challenge of learning?
1. Favorite moment of the week for me is when I see your younger sisters loving and supporting each other. What was yours?
My favorite moment this week was when we got a call from an investigator and he said he had good news for us and when we went to the lesson he told us he had received and answer and wanted to be baptized and even could be baptized this week! That was cool!
2. I did something I didn't think I could do this week. Any physical or spiritual feats that you have accomplished that you didn't think you could do on your mission?
Ummmm........ Physical........... Not sure. Spiritual..... I gave a lesson with 1 second of preparation and the lesson turned out really well. So I thought that was a blessing!
3. I'm sure you have mixed emotions about completing your mission, what is helping you to keep working hard but also looking for to the next adventure/phase of your life?
I just try to pray really hard and understand why I am here and that gives me pretty good motivation to finish strong. Also talking to president whenever I get the chance! He is great!
4. We now have two ukuleles at home...... the girls are getting pretty good on them. Are you up to the challenge of learning?
Ya I am down and I will learn it real fast!
-He will be flying home and arriving on September 29th 3 pm at Idaho Falls airport.
-His homecoming report will be on October 15th at 9 am. All are welcome!
Homecoming report is at 11:00 a.m. - not 9:00 a.m. on October 15th. 655 South Grant, Pocatello Idaho