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Elder Beck forgot his sd card reader for emailing so.... you get my version of Elder Beck "happy face" art by Angie |
Hello Another week has gone by and the end is drawing closer and I don't know how to feel right now....... But it was a great week so we will quickly review what happened.
SO it started off strong with Tuesday.... We had a great day! Everything was working out! IT started out in the morning we went out and taught Sis Debrah and prepared her for her baptism........ Then she took us to some of her friends and we had a great lesson with them! I love referrals...... Then in the afternoon we had a nice lesson with an investigator named Zion and she even gave us a referral and he seems really interested about the gospel! I love referrals............. Then we had a wonderful lesson with a new family in the evening! Then we taught another family to finish off the day and they brought more people for us to teach! The Lord truly provided for us that day and it was amazing because we didn't do anything! But the Lord just blessed us and even the next day on Wednesday we didn't have much time in our area because we needed to go and help another companionship in the zone and so we didn't have any time in our area! SO the lord will help us and give us what we need as we help others. Pretty cool. Thursday was another busy day with Baptism interviews throughout the zone..............
Friday was just a wonderful day! We had our baptisms and the other missionaries in the district in Nsambya ward also had 2 baptism's! SO the Lord Blessed us with some baptism's in the Ward, so we celebrated by going to KFC! KFC is a big deal here in Uganda. hahaha. It was sister Debrah(from South Sudan) and sister Patricia(who works at a restaurant and always gives us great deals. ahhaha. We also received another referral from a member in the evening! I love referrals!
ON Saturday we had a nice day and finished it off with FHE with the South Sudan family. They are awesome! Also my district here in Nsambya is the best. I haven't laughed so much in my entire mission. They are some of the funniest guys ever! ON Sunday we had a great day as well. Church was amazing. Testimonies were great and pure! We also went with a member to meet some more referrals.... I love referrals! Then we went with like 4 RM's and one prospective missionary and visited a family and had a small meeting type thing with them. It was cool to see how just visiting a family who has been missing for awhile from church can bring the spirit of love to that family. It was awesome to see and I was grateful for wonderful members here in Nsambya!
ON Saturday we had a nice day and finished it off with FHE with the South Sudan family. They are awesome! Also my district here in Nsambya is the best. I haven't laughed so much in my entire mission. They are some of the funniest guys ever! ON Sunday we had a great day as well. Church was amazing. Testimonies were great and pure! We also went with a member to meet some more referrals.... I love referrals! Then we went with like 4 RM's and one prospective missionary and visited a family and had a small meeting type thing with them. It was cool to see how just visiting a family who has been missing for awhile from church can bring the spirit of love to that family. It was awesome to see and I was grateful for wonderful members here in Nsambya!
Today as a zone we had a zone activity and we cooked a ton of Pork, rice, and posho, and even had dessert! It was a lot of fun and we have some awesome missionaries in the zone! The week was good and we have another busy week this week with exchanges and also zone conference, so we will be back here at the computer soon. hahaha.
This week I learned about Jesus Christ and how he taught the people when he was in the Ancient America. The things that those people saw and heard from Jesus Christ were amazing! All it took was a little bit of faith! Also have been reading about the Prophet Joseph Smith! He was an amazing man! I know he was a prophet of God and that through him the church was restored! And the greatest evidence of that is the Book of Mormon! Read it! Have a great week. Love you.
Love Elder Beck
NOTE FROM MOM.... I think he likes referrals, don't you?! He only has 24 days left, your prayers are working. Please continue to pray for him and the people he serves. Thank you so much! This has been quite an adventure.
-He will be flying home and arriving on September 29th 3 pm at Idaho Falls airport.
-His homecoming report will be on October 15th at 9 am. All are welcome!
Mom questions..
1. Do we need to help you figure out where you're going to live and such in Logan? Or do you have an idea? Teigan was thinking that you might need to sign up for some classes soon but, we can probably be deal with that when you get back.
I am enjoying with E. Khoriyo and the district and zone... it is fun! SO things are good. Just starting to feel it about going home......... It is coming and I am not sure what to think or feel........
2. What do most of the people in your area do for work? Or does it vary?
3. As always… Looking for an experience this week that touched your heart this week. Anything come to mind?
4. What is something that we could all be better at that would influence our lives for good and others? Something that would turn our hearts towards God?
5. How are the bugs and mosquito nets these days? Have they become your friends? Do you get bitten a lot?
NOTE FROM MOM.... I think he likes referrals, don't you?! He only has 24 days left, your prayers are working. Please continue to pray for him and the people he serves. Thank you so much! This has been quite an adventure.
-He will be flying home and arriving on September 29th 3 pm at Idaho Falls airport.
-His homecoming report will be on October 15th at 9 am. All are welcome!
Mom questions..
1. Do we need to help you figure out where you're going to live and such in Logan? Or do you have an idea? Teigan was thinking that you might need to sign up for some classes soon but, we can probably be deal with that when you get back.
I am enjoying with E. Khoriyo and the district and zone... it is fun! SO things are good. Just starting to feel it about going home......... It is coming and I am not sure what to think or feel........
Ya I need to figure that out and I am going to talk to some of the missionaries here and see what they are doing as well.......... But we need to start looking at that.
2. What do most of the people in your area do for work? Or does it vary?
Here it varies......... Some sell souvenirs, others have chapti stands, others have their own business. It varies quite a bit here in Kampala. Many different things going on here.
3. As always… Looking for an experience this week that touched your heart this week. Anything come to mind?
Well this week we had a lot to do for other area's and going to do different things, but with the time that we had in our area we were able to get a lot done and the Lord was able to help us find those that are prepared and reach our goals that we have set and it was nothing that we were doing, but it was all the Lord helping us and providing for us so we could assist others in the zone! That was a great experience and The Lord takes care of His Boys!
4. What is something that we could all be better at that would influence our lives for good and others? Something that would turn our hearts towards God?
That is something hard to answer, but what I have seen is PRAYING WITH ALL YOUR HEART!! ! I have been trying to pray and really focus on the spirit and even the people that I pray for and it really changes everything! It brings the spirit a lot more and you are focused. Pray with all your heart. never get lazy with prayers......
5. How are the bugs and mosquito nets these days? Have they become your friends? Do you get bitten a lot?
Bugs are not really a problem.......... Mosquito nets are good, they work.......... Don't get bit too much and no bed bugs. SO The bugs are good!
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