Birthday presents!! |
This week was truly amazing and we saw a ton of miracles and blessings this week. The Lord loves me and was giving me some great birthday presents!
TUesday was an interesting day, we had some awesome lessons! But we taught a family about temples and it was going to be powerful and we sang families can be together forever! But then they just had a lot of questions and doubt. We tried to answer there questions, but in the end we just invited them to pray and ask God about it. I was a little frustrated at the end of the lesson, but as we were leaving I felt a impression that I need to understand what they are going through. They are a strong christian family that is being told to change many of the things they knew and to embrace these new things on the first try, so we need to be patient and understanding with them. Guess what?....... We had another lesson later in the week and it was awesome and they all came as a family to church this week. That was the first time they have done that.......... Wednesday was a bit of a struggle, but a bright spot was teaching a new investigator named Chris. He is humble and willing to learn and also has a lot of questions about baptism. He has a lot of potential and seems to be prepared vessel!
Thursday was an awesome day. We had service in the morning and we made a pig pen for a member which was fun! Then we met a new family and they seem really cool. We met them from a simple contact as we were leaving another appointment last week. Just talking to one more person or putting in that little bit of effort can make a huge difference!
Friday was an awesome day as well. WE prepared Derrick for his interview and had a nice lesson with a soldier that is going to leave his family and go to Somalia for a year. We taught him about the stripling warriors from the BOok of MOrmon. THis guy is really awesome too bad he is leaving soon, but he will join the church someday!
Saturday we had conference in the morning and afternoon. It was really awesome. Conference is amazing! Also had some baptism interviews that went really well. Then we went to Protea Hotel and ate a buffet for my birthday. Really nice food! Then as we were leaving the buffet a guy calls us and says he wants to meet with us after talking to his friend who is a member! Sweet! We taught him that same evening and he came to church the next day! Tender MErcy! Good birthday present!
Sunday we had General Conference and again it was really good. It answered a lot of questions that i have had! Then we had the baptism of Derrick and also Chris who is the other guys investigator. It went really well and everything was awesome! Also had 9 investigators at church. Truly an answer to fasting and prayer! It was an awesome week and it was a great birthday.

During Conference I really liked a lot of things. ONe of my favorites though was President Russell M. Nelsen on drawing upon the power of Christ. He told exactly what we can do to draw on that infinite and great power in our lives. First gain knowledge of the savior. Then we need to CHOOSE to have faith and follow him. And Last we need to Reach up to him in Faith. We need to stretch ourselves and go outside our comfort zone. If we are ever comfortable where we are we need to push ourselves and do more than we have ever done before! Then we will receive his power and grace in our lives. Jesus Christ is our savior and he did perform the Atonement so we could access His power! Have a great week. Love you
Love Elder Beck
Mom questions......1. Get your bday pkg?
I should be getting my package this week hopefully when I go to Kampala for Transfers.
2. How was conference? Wasn't it awesome?
Conference was awesome. It flew by faster than I ever remember, but it was really awesome. I loved the talks and I can't wait to go back and read through them. I missed part of the morning saturday session, but got the rest of it!
3. Tell me more about using a key word or phrase in your teaching.... you gave the example of "light"
We just say before we do contacting that we are going to use a certain word in every situation we talk to someone. It makes it fun.
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